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By: Colin Russell and Liam Clarke

Our shaman ‘Dewa air ketamakan’ was built as a representation of how both of our issues combined, containing a major theme of greed and waste. Greed is something most people have but simply don't acknowledge. The combined issue of illegal unreported unregulated fishing and access to fresh water are driven by a main factor of greed. By using people to bid their will only to beat them and have them taken away from their families is devastation. This is a violation of their human rights. Also stelling fish for those less fortunate in places such as the coast of west africa is demonstrating greed. Money also plays a big part in this as more people want steal for s better profit.  The restrictions placed on the shaman, this forbids him from moving much like the physiological restraints on the slaves. The waste of fish and waste of water. The body represents the waste, because it is made of plastic water bottles. Historically the societal role of a shaman is that of a traditional healer, spirit medium, custom and tradition experts and on occasion sorcerers and masters of black magic. However Many self-styled shaman in Indonesia are simply scammers and criminals, preying on gullible and superstitious people who were raised to believe in the supernatural. This is what our shaman represents; the criminality and abuse to the global. However his being is a reminder of what needs to happen to fix this issue.

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