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Ms. Frizzle, J Frizzle, Frizzle, J Philli, JP



Innisdale Secondary


I will always remember…


The late night conversations between the Global family the night before a project is due. 

How did you hear about global, and why did you decide to apply?


I heard about Global from Mr.Toole in his grade 10 english class. I decided to apply because I wanted to challenge myself and travel.


What has Global taught you?


To push through hard times and to overcome challenges. Also to work hard and put 100% of my effort into everything I do.


How has Global changed you?


It has changed my perspective on the world and of myself.


Favourite Global quote?


"Become a sack of tomatoes on your own time." 


What are your plans for the future?


To become a Paramedic and help save the lives of people in my community and hopefully somewhere abroad. 


Describe Global in 3 words.


Challenging. Eye-opening. Family.  

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