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Savannah, Lil Ray, O'mara, Ray Ray






I will always remember…

When my C2N group had a paint fight then trekked to McDonalds repping paint covered faces and clothes.


How did you hear about global, and why did you decide to apply?


Mr. Torlee hunted me down and persistently bothered me to apply. He kept pulling me out of English to talk about Global and stopping me in the hallways to remind me to hand in an application. Eventually, I caved (best decision I’ve ever made).


What has Global taught you?


How to properly manage my schoolwork and time. I’ve never been much of a procrastinator but I had to truly learn what happens to you when you leave assignments to the last minute. I don’t recommend it.


How has Global changed you?


I think Global has really expanded my worldview; before, I didn’t really care much for world issues. Now, not only do I understand world issues better, I’ve become more aware of my own privilege and my capability to help people.


Favourite Global quote?


“You can sleep when you’re dead.”


What are your plans for the future?


Apply to McGill or Queens, get a Bachelor of Science, then continue on to make a change in the world.


Describe Global in 3 words.


Intense, exciting, eye-opening

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