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By: Gaby Johnston and Kai Bruker

Demeter Poseidon is a being that warns mankind of the effects of their harmful actions on the oceans, wildlife, trees, and air. At first, the Earth felt pain caused by these actions, but Demeter Poseidon thought the effects were temporary, so it remained dormant. Unfortunately, greed drove mankind to continue these actions in pursuit of money and luxury. As yet another slaughtered cow cried out in anguish, Demeter Poseidon decided that enough was enough. It possessed the body of a cow from a farm and attempted to persuade the farmer to shut down his meat farm. Although shocked, the farmer was not phased by Demeter Poseidon’s warnings and instead he attacked the cow. Infuriated upon realizing that the possessed cow would not die, the farmer cut off its legs and head and threw them into the ocean, hoping to be rid of the being. In the ocean, Demeter Poseidon fused the head and legs of the cow with a large section of pipe that was spewing harmful sewage into the ocean. As Demeter made its way back through the ocean to the farm, it became covered with oil that had spilled into the ocean off of a ship.

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