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By: Jordan Macdonald and Chloe Allison

She was born into this world brought to life by every violation made by men. It all started many years ago, men were in power and women were treated like dirt. Oppressed and beaten it didn’t matter your age or where you came from all that mattered was your gender that being female. She was special; she was connected to every women of the present, past and future. Her body slowly appeared into the real world as women were being oppressed by men. Many young girls grew up not being able to go to school robbed of their education and left in the dark, a black bag appeared suffocating her. One day a girl was walking and she was attacked by a much older man who took her behind a bush and took away her innocence. And then a white flower appeared. As more girls were ripped of their innocence more flowers appeared creating a noose. Through time she was dragged down by society which is when the chains started to appear. They appeared one link at a time slowly weighing her down. They would appear after a girl quit school early, couldn’t attend school due to their periods, or were told by their oppressors that they couldn’t attend school due to their gender. When she first took form she was laying down but as time progressed and women’s rights started to improve she tried to stand so she and all women could be considered equal.

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