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No, I attend Innisdale Secondary School.


I will always remember…



Delivering the equipment to the Cuban baseball team. This was an incredible moment that I got to share with an amazing group of people. Seeing how much it meant to the team and their families that we would bring down equipment for them to use was indescribable. It was a moment that I will never forget.   


How did you hear about global, and why did you decide to apply?


I heard about Global when I was in Mr. Torlee’s Geography class in grade 9. I didn’t apply for global at first because I was too afraid that I would suffer from missing over a month of baseball. I was sitting in grade 10 careers when I got a call from Mr. Torlee. When I got there he told me all about the program and convinced me to apply.


What has Global taught you?


Global has taught me a lot about myself. I have learned in all of the late nights how to manage my time to get through the work load. I also learned the kind of people that I work best with.


How has Global changed you?

I have grown and matured a lot through this program. The time we spent in Cuba made me realize everything that we take for granted here.

Favourite Global quote?


“It (Kai’s cat) must have eaten a worm….. Because Diabetes is when you have worms in your stomach” - Olivia Holloway


What are your plans for the future?


I hope to go to university for baseball. After completing a program related to the skills needed for coaching I would like to follow my dream and coach baseball at either the professional or collegiate level.


Describe Global in 3 words.


Stressful, Mind-blowing, Family

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